
I’m Andrea. Welcome to The Write Fix. This Substack is home to a podcast, newsletter, and a writing group. Let me explain.

I met Henry, Mary, Martin, Mark, and Dr. Bob when we were randomly placed into a weekly study group for a writing course through the Story Grid Guild. We've been together ever since.

Early on, we were struggling with some complex concepts. We needed a way to break them down and put them into practice on the page. And one day, we hit upon a process that helped us do just that. It works this way:

  1. Each week, I announce a surprise writing prompt.

  2. We brainstorm together for about 10-15 minutes.

  3. I set a timer, and we each dash off a story draft in ten minutes.

  4. Then we come back together and read our stories to each other--warts and all.

It's a lot of fun! And we realized pretty quickly that it was helping us improve as writers. We think it might help you too.


So direct from our writing group to your inbox, we are creating a podcast that chronicles our journey. But don't think of this as just another talking heads type of show. This is an experiential adventure. And this is an invitation to write your own draft as you listen along each week.


Today, The Write Fix is free for everyone, with the option to pledge your support. But it takes a lot of work to produce a quality program, so I will eventually be turning on subscriptions. By pledging now, you can lock in a lower price. Once we do go to a subscription model, here’s what you can expect.

  • With a Free Subscription, you will receive the monthly genre reveal and two podcast episodes sent to your inbox each month.

  • For those interested in a deeper dive, you can opt into Premium Content with a monthly or annual subscription. This includes four podcast episodes per month. You will also receive bonus content and have access to comments! This means you can post your drafts and engage to your heart's content. Hopefully, we'll grow a community here.

  • And for Founding Members who give a little more--we have something special in mind for you. Of course, you will receive weekly podcasts, bonus content, and access to comments. But when enrollment is sufficient, I will launch a new initiative just for Founders--the Dash-It-Off challenge! You will receive a monthly invitation to meet via Chat, where I will post a bonus prompt. We'll dash off a draft together and post the results. This will work best when we have enough people to make it exciting. I'll let you know when we get there. But in the meantime, your generous support means the world to me. Thank you.


The podcast will launch in September 2023, but you can subscribe now! Then check your inbox for a welcome message and some additional bonus content. Thanks for stopping by. You'll be hearing from me soon. And if this sounds good to you, please consider sharing the news with your writer friends. The more the merrier. Thanks again!


Cover Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

Subscribe to The Write Fix

A podcast that will get you writing today! Join in as my fellow writers and I tackle a writing prompt, brainstorm some ideas, and then speed write our way through a ten-minute draft.


Hi. I’m a writer, actor, and educator...and I’ve got stories to tell!